Deterministic exposureThe model considers the mean occurrence at Lower Bound (LB), Middle Bound (MB) and Upper Bound (UB) scenario and uses individual level consumption data.
The Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) of a chemical substance is calculated as follows: 1. For every single food consumption occasion, at any day, of any food category of food consumption the following formula is applied
b.w. = body weight 2. The body weight is the subject’s body weight. The outcome of the equation is the exposure (in μg/Kg b.w.) at each and every specific food consumption instance. 3. The Exposure for each instance, calculated in step 1), is summed for all days and for every food category at the respective FoodEx2 level. The EDI is calculated by taking the average exposure throughout the number of days of the study. The result is the EDI in μg/Kg b.w. for each individual in the dietary survey, at an Optimistic (LB), an “Average” (MB) and a Pessimistic (UB) scenario. Matching:- Consumption is matched with the corresponding occurrence at the same FoodEx2 level. - If occurrence at the same level is not found, the model searches for occurrence at a higher FoodEx2 level. - No exposure is calculated for consumption occasions with no corresponding occurrence at the same or at higher levels. - Capacity to calculate exposure by exploiting the FoodEx2 Processing facets (F28). Weight coefficients:
Exposure is weighted by the weighting coefficients to adjust the sample for non-representativeness of the population.